Help us Prepare Now for More Success in 2025.
Take Back Our Schools PAC is identifying, recruiting, training, and helping elect school directors who will:
We are thrilled with our successes, but we have much work yet to do!
Without having funding in advance, we cannot develop successful campaign plans for 2025. I have long ago lost count of how many school board races have been lost by lack of planning and preparation!
We cannot sit back while the Woke Left is committed to furthering their agenda in the schools:
The National Education Association (teachers union) even encouraged all teachers to put the sexual graphic novel Gender Queer on top of their summer reading list.
(NEAToday web site; 6/05/23) This book, marketed to children, includes cartoon images of children performing oral sex, among other offensive material.
The National Education Association thinks this is a good thing!
The teachers unions are the most powerful and well-funded lobbying groups in Pennsylvania. They take teachers’ dues and lobby to keep porn in our schools.
Local school boards can and must fight back!
They have control over their local district policies on books and curricula. They hire teachers and administrators. They call the shots!
These are OUR schools. We pay for them. Our kids and grandkids attend them.
We have a right and duty to redirect education priorities and protect our children.
Meanwhile, there are test scores…
The Pennsylvania Department of Education released the latest standardized test scores the day after the 2023 School Board General Election.
Coincidence??? And the results are abysmal.
Over 70% of 8th graders are not proficient in math.
Your local districts think if they are doing better than Philadelphia, whose kids graduate at the 3rd grade reading level, they are doing fine.
They are not fine. Our kids deserve better.
School boards have full authority and responsibility to direct their administrators to turn this sinking ship around, and increase reporting and accountability to parents and the community.
If we do not do this, we will have lost this generation of kids who will not be able to compete in the 21st century high-tech competitive world.
The biggest lie in education is that the unions control your schools.
They do not!
Elected school boards make all the important decisions that will determine what your schools are: the culture, the priorities, the values, the spending.
We need your partnership to build upon our successes and advance in 2025.
Please go to the Giving Pledge below to let us know how you can help.
Fighting for our kids,
Lois Kaneshiki
Founder, Take Back Our Schools PAC
P.O. Box 85 Mount Holly Springs, Pa 17065
All Rights Reserved | Take Back Our Schools PAC
Paid for by Take Back Our Schools PAC, P.O. Box 85, Mount Holly Springs, Pa 17065