What School Boards Can Do
School boards are elected by voters in odd-numbered years and are the nine-member governing bodies of our school districts. The “buck stops” with the school board. They serve without monetary compensation.
Superintendents work at the pleasure of the school board. School boards evaluate their superintendent’s performance every year and direct him on the priorities and goals of the district.
School boards should establish measurable metrics by which to evaluate their superintendent every year.
School boards approve curricula. They can also remove curricula if they choose (six votes are needed.)
School boards hire legal counsel (solicitors) to advise them on keeping up with education regulation and help them avoid or address potential lawsuits, and make sure they abide by state laws such as the Sunshine Act, which regulates how board meetings must be held.
School boards adopt policies to guide their administrators on how they want the district run. They may get their policies from any source they choose or may write their own. Their solicitor can counsel them on making sure policies don’t run afoul of state law.
What School Boards Should Do
School boards should immediately adopt curriculum transparency policies to allow the public to review curriculum before the board votes to adopt/approve. The public should be given at least 30 days to review before the board votes.
Materials that should be provided for review are any text books, workbooks, teacher’s manuals, and online digital resources that are part of the curriculum packages.
School boards should adopt policies that provide for responsible curating of library books before the books are purchased. Librarians should make available their lists of requested books to the board before they can purchase books. The 30-day curriculum transparency policy should apply to library books as well.
The Board should approve acceptable resources for librarians to use for book recommendations. For example, boards should remove the American Library Association from acceptable resource lists, due to their pushing books with a political and sexual agenda to young children without parental knowledge and consent.
School Boards should adopt specific policies regarding in-school surveying of students. All surveys should be opt-in only (not opt-out) and the survey questions should be made available online for parents to review before they give their consent.
School boards should limit or reject the use or implementation of social-emotional learning in their classrooms.
School boards should consider limiting the use of electronic devices in school.
School Boards should adopt a resolution rejecting Gender Theory as an acceptable teaching viewpoint. Gender Theory asserts that gender is a social construct used to oppress people, is not tied to biology, and is “fluid,” meaning gender identity can “evolve” or change over time.
School boards should regularly review standardized test score results and request quarterly presentations on what the schools are doing to bring students up to grade level in academic subjects.
School boards should solicit annual feedback on every school teacher in the district from parents and students. Generic questions like “how are we doing?” are meaningless without understanding the performance/effectiveness of individual teachers.
School boards should codify the rights of parents to observe their student’s classes at least once per semester.
School boards should consider installing cameras in the classrooms so parents can remotely “pop-in” to their students’ classrooms anytime during the school day.
School districts should establish and enforce dress codes that prohibit outlandish and distracting costumes and clothing in the schools.
Other Responsibilities of School Boards:
Running for School Board
If you would like to find out more about running for school board, please submit a letter of interest and a brief bio to TakeBackOurSchoolsPac@gmail.com
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